Wednesday 3 July 2013

Do i understand ?

Allah (SWT)’s Hukum is until the day of judgement and if some Shaykh tells you that its discouraged in India in 1929 and encouraged in 1643 in Damascus it is between the Shaykh and Allah (SWT)!.

For me, Allah (SWT) has declared this matter permissible until the day of judgement.


If a Shaykh of UK saw a dream about this, does it strengthen Allah (SWT)’s Hukum? And if the Shaykh didn’t have a dream does it diminish Allah (SWT)’s Hukum? 
Lastly a person CANNOT understand this UNLESS they understand Jihad & Khilafah! 

A person living in a cosy home in London will not get it! But the 23 year old widow of a young Mujahid with 3 girls would instantly get it!

A person living in a cosy home in New York will not get it! But a 30 year Muslimah who cannot get married or is a divorcee with 3 girls would instantly get it!

A person living in a cosy home in Chicago will not get it! But a 30 year Muslim man married to his Pakistani cousin who can't speak proper English and can't engage him intellectually would instantly get it!

A person living in a cosy home in Helsinki will not get it! But a 38 year Muslim man who is still fit and healthy but his 36 year wife (with 5 children) who is unable to sexually satisfy him would instantly get it!

- Shaykh Madni and Shaykh Colonel Hardstone

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