Shahe zeeshan ko, shaan e Quran ko
Juzve emaan ko, Rabb ke mehmaan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the magnificent king, to the majesty of the Quran
To the part of Eemaan, to the guest of Allah
peace be upon him
Juzve emaan ko, Rabb ke mehmaan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the magnificent king, to the majesty of the Quran
To the part of Eemaan, to the guest of Allah
peace be upon him
Haqq ke dildaar ko, shah-e-abraar ko
Mere sarkaar ko, sab ke ghamkhar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the beloved of truth, to the leader of the righteous
To my cheif, to the remover of everybodys’ sorrow
peace be upon him
Mere sarkaar ko, sab ke ghamkhar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the beloved of truth, to the leader of the righteous
To my cheif, to the remover of everybodys’ sorrow
peace be upon him
Unke ke atwaar ko, ala kirdaar ko
Narm guftaar ko, taiz raftaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his behavior, to his lofty character
To his soft speech, to his brisk walk
peace be upon him
Narm guftaar ko, taiz raftaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his behavior, to his lofty character
To his soft speech, to his brisk walk
peace be upon him
Sabz dastaar ko, unke rukhsaar ko
Husn-e-mayaar ko, zulf-e-khamdaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his green imamah/turban, to his face
To the pinnacle of beauty, to his wavy hair
peace be upon him
Husn-e-mayaar ko, zulf-e-khamdaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his green imamah/turban, to his face
To the pinnacle of beauty, to his wavy hair
peace be upon him
Amina mai ko, Aap ki dai ko
Bhuri hamsai ko, har shanasai ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his mother Amina, to his wetnurse (Halimah Sadiah)
To the old lady neighbour, to each and every friend
peace be upon him
Bhuri hamsai ko, har shanasai ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his mother Amina, to his wetnurse (Halimah Sadiah)
To the old lady neighbour, to each and every friend
peace be upon him
Maa ki mamtaon ko, jannati paaon ko
Pyaar ki chahon ko, ummati maaon ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the love of our mothers, to their feet beneath which lays paradise
To the shade of love, to the Mothers of the believers
peace be upon them
Pyaar ki chahon ko, ummati maaon ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the love of our mothers, to their feet beneath which lays paradise
To the shade of love, to the Mothers of the believers
peace be upon them
Ishq ke fakhr ko, ilm ke qasr ko
Pekar-e-sabr ko, bint Abu Bakr ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the pride of love, to the palace of knowledge
To the example of patience, to the daughter of Abu Bakr R.A (Aisha R.A)
peace be upon her
Pekar-e-sabr ko, bint Abu Bakr ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the pride of love, to the palace of knowledge
To the example of patience, to the daughter of Abu Bakr R.A (Aisha R.A)
peace be upon her
Naaz bardaar ko, unke ghamkhar ko
Char ke char ko, yani har yaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the pride of the dominator, to his comforters
All four out of four (four Caliphs), as in every friend
peace be upon them
Char ke char ko, yani har yaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the pride of the dominator, to his comforters
All four out of four (four Caliphs), as in every friend
peace be upon them
Un ke dildaar ko, aaashiq-e-zaar ko
Zaanuey yaar ko yaar ko ghaar ko…
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his beloved one, to the one afflicted with his love
To the thigh of the friend (the thigh of Abu Bakr R.A which Nabi SAW rested upon in the cave), to the friend, to the cave
peace be upon him
Zaanuey yaar ko yaar ko ghaar ko…
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his beloved one, to the one afflicted with his love
To the thigh of the friend (the thigh of Abu Bakr R.A which Nabi SAW rested upon in the cave), to the friend, to the cave
peace be upon him
Adl ki aab ko josh ki taab ko
Gohor-e-nayab ko Ibn Khattab ko
Asalaam asalama asalaam asalaam
To the pride(honour) of justice, to the zeal of endurance
To a rare gemstone, to the son of khattab (Umar R.A)
peace be upon him
Gohor-e-nayab ko Ibn Khattab ko
Asalaam asalama asalaam asalaam
To the pride(honour) of justice, to the zeal of endurance
To a rare gemstone, to the son of khattab (Umar R.A)
peace be upon him
Maal ko, jaan ko, daste faizaan ko
Ibn-e-Affaan ko, hazrat Usmaan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his wealth, to his life, to his generous hands
to the son of Affaan, to hazrat Uthmaan R.A
peace be upon him
Ibn-e-Affaan ko, hazrat Usmaan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his wealth, to his life, to his generous hands
to the son of Affaan, to hazrat Uthmaan R.A
peace be upon him
Taiz talwaar ko, fath-e-bardaar ko
Azm-e-karaar ko unke gharbaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the sharp sword, to the bearer of victory
To the willpower of Karar(Nick name of Hazrat Ali R.A), To his family
peace be upon them
Azm-e-karaar ko unke gharbaar ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the sharp sword, to the bearer of victory
To the willpower of Karar(Nick name of Hazrat Ali R.A), To his family
peace be upon them
Fikr-o-ehsaas ko, unke almaas ko
Ilm ki pyaas ko, Ibn-e-Abbas ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his thought and sense , To the diamond of RasoolAllah SAW
To the Thirst of Knoweldge , To Ibne Abass R.A
peace be upon him
Ilm ki pyaas ko, Ibn-e-Abbas ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his thought and sense , To the diamond of RasoolAllah SAW
To the Thirst of Knoweldge , To Ibne Abass R.A
peace be upon him
Unke Jaanbaaz ko, ek damsaaz ko
Habshi andaaz ko, ujli awaaz ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his Veteran, To one helpmate
To his ethopian outlook (Bilal R.A), to his clear voice
peace be upon him
Habshi andaaz ko, ujli awaaz ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To his Veteran, To one helpmate
To his ethopian outlook (Bilal R.A), to his clear voice
peace be upon him
Ik Sukhandan ko, ik sanakhwan ko
Naat ki shaan ko yani Hassan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To one orator , to one praiser
To the pride (honour) of naat(praise), to Hazrat Hassaan (Ibn-e Thabit) R.A
peace be upon him
Naat ki shaan ko yani Hassan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To one orator , to one praiser
To the pride (honour) of naat(praise), to Hazrat Hassaan (Ibn-e Thabit) R.A
peace be upon him
Shahe zeeshan ko, shaan e Quran ko
Juzve emaan ko, Rabb ke mehmaan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the magnificent king, to the majesty of the Quran
To the part of Eemaan, to the guest of Allah
peace be upon him
Juzve emaan ko, Rabb ke mehmaan ko
Asalaam asalaam asalaam asalaam
To the magnificent king, to the majesty of the Quran
To the part of Eemaan, to the guest of Allah
peace be upon him
Salaam. Bro Sorry for writing off topic.
ReplyDeleteCan I have Shaikh Zahir Mahmoods Contact? I would like to speak to him. JazakAllahu Khairun
meray aik sahabi ko,
ReplyDeleterakh giye dil jab woh,
alfaz itnay meethay suna ke,
as-salaam, as-salaam :)